Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A seven-sculpture commission

In the last month and a half I have been working on a major sculpture commission. I just delivered the final sculptures to the client on Monday. Now I need to rest my hands as my carpal tunnel is numbing them quite frequently now!

The commission was a sub-contract for a larger project being prepared by House of Kevin for an Environment Canada interpretation centre in Halifax. House of Kevin found me on the internet. It pays to keep a website!

I made three fish, two salmon and one trout:

A seagull:

A bear:

And two different kinds of grasses. Estuary cordgrass (the wavy stuff) and your garden variety grass, if your garden variety grass was five and a half feet long and four feet high.

The fish, bear and the garden variety grasses are all relief sculptures, relatively thin and intended to be mounted to a wall. The seagull and the estuary cordgrass are the three-dimensional sculptures I am more accustomed to making. 

I must admit, the garden variety grass sculpture has me dreaming of a wheat field installation of copper grasses in a big room, with paths running between the sculptures so you can stand in a field of copper wheat. First, rest my hands. Then on to the big dreams!


  1. Lisa, be kind to your carpals... get some wrist supports at a sporting goods store, and wear them religiously. I was given this advice early - about 40 years ago - when my doctor found out how much time I spent working wire. This knowledge has saved my carpals - and my career!

  2. Thank you for the excellent advice, Elizabeth. I've read your segment on your site where you speak of this. I do hope to be sculpting for a long time and appreciate that you took the time to send me this message. Cheers, Lisa
